Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Charles Henry Pinheiro and the Royal Navy

Available at the British National Archives in Kew

The thought occurred to me today that Charles Pinheiro likely never saw his parents again after he joined the Royal Navy. And I'm sure that must have weighed on his heart beyond description. To know that you will begin again on the other side of the globe, and never again see your mother's face... what it took to make that sacrifice I may never understand.

But I do know that the only reason I know as much as I do about my Barbados lines is precisely because he moved away. I may not have been so lucky to know this much had the story been different, and I were speaking of Barbados instead of Canada. But then again, if this had been Barbados instead of Canada I undoubtedly wouldn't be here.

Charles' marriage certificate names his parents--Henry and Caroline Pinheiro. What were they like? Did they ever write to their son? Did he have brothers and sisters? What did he leave behind in Barbados? Can I ever know more about his family?

If I could talk to any group of people from my family history, I'd reach out to Charles and his family. I might never know them otherwise.

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