Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Virtues of Asking for Help

I sent another message to Judith Fingard recently. I asked for some help in obtaining the obituary for Charles Pinheiro, and she directed me to the Nova Scotia Archives. I was excited to see her message, because in it she included a photo I've never seen before.

The International Hotel on Hollis Street (far left)
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Charles Henry Pinheiro worked in that hotel earlier on in his life. He worked there as a waiter at the time he married my great great grandmother, Rose C. Bailey Dallas. (Note: Rose was not a widow, Dallas was her step-father's last name.)

Marriage record for Charles Henry Pinheiro and Rose C. Bailey Dallas
21 March 1882--Halifax, Nova Scotia

This record answers a lot of questions for me. Not only does it provide the name of Charles' parents in Barbados (Henry and Caroline) it also gives me Rose's father's name (James Bailey.) All of the census records I have for Rose show her living with her step-father, Augustus Dallas. On her death record, it says that her father's name was John Delless from Grenada. But this appears to be a combination of her father and step-father, because Augustus Dallas was from Jamaica. I have no knowledge as of yet about where James Bailey comes from, but now I have a possibly theory that he comes from Grenada.

I'm still trying to obtain a copy of Charles' obituary. I figured out that the Halifax Chronicle likely refers to the Morning Chronicle. As far as I can tell, the Nova Scotia Archives are the only place with these records. Judith told me it's available on microfilm, so it involves physically going to the archives to get it. Since I'm not in a position to do that, and the Archives do not accept research requests, I have to find someone to do it for me.

I sent out a message on the Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia Facebook page, and found someone who was willing to help out tomorrow night. I'm excited to see what she finds! That would only leave finding his burial and any immigration documents from when he moved to Canada left to find.

The GANS has indexes and images of the Camp Hill Cemetery I'd be interested to see, but it's behind a pay wall for members only. I don't like the idea of paying $30 when I'm not able to verify that they actually have information I need. All of the other perks they'd offer me are useless to me because I live in a different country. I might suggest a web-only membership. Even if they charged $10 for a month of web access, or even $5 for a week, I'd rather pay that than $30 for a year's worth of benefits I will never use.

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