Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Newspapers is a great way to find lots of goodies. While everything I found about James Nance was pretty accidental, what I found on the Keatts brothers was not. I've known for some time that they had digital copies of The Danville Register and The Bee, so when I got the change to have a free trial I couldn't say no.

Obituary for Albert C. Keatts, The Bee, 11 Nov 1961

Emma Virter Keatts Towler, The Bee, 4 Jan 1939

Leffie M. Keatts burial announcement, The Bell, 27 Mar 1954

Roy Elmer Keatts, The Danville Register, 14 Aug 1966

While none of these people are my direct line ancestors, they're all siblings to my ancestor Richard C. Keatts. More on him later... There's a story about a witch named "Old Lillie"...

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