Thursday, September 26, 2013

Response: Mount Royal Cemetery

The email from Mount Royal Cemetery just arrived!

I'm so excited, I'm practically singing the Canadian national anthem!

The fact that my grandmother is Canadian probably means that I should have learned their anthem too. Even though Americans largely think they're too good to learn anything about Canada.


Here's the email they sent me:

Hi Mrs. Collins,

I have received your online request and I have searched our records and I have found;

Name: Muriel Michaels nee Ince
Widower of Albert Michaels
67 yrs. Old
Date of birth: October 30, 1913
Date of death: January 2, 1981
Date of burial: January 6, 1981
Birth place: Nova Scotia
Place of death: Royal Victoria Hospital
Burial location: L 7153-A


Grace Polifroni

(She called me Mrs. Collins. I still get excited when people do that! Sorry, newlywed thing.)

So not only did I get her burial location and the rest of her birth information, I got a SPOUSE! Now you need to understand why this is so intriguing to me.

I am thrilled that such a breakthrough only cost me $5. I couldn't be happier with the information I received. Anyone else who is thinking about buying information from the Mount Royal Cemetery in Montreal, do it. It's worth every penny.

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